Sunday, July 22, 2012


Right next door to Ana Mondoy lives Panchita the monkey. We had a really fantastic encounter with that little babe on the morning of our interview. I’ve never really interacted with a monkey before… it was a really cool experience – I think the pictures are more descriptive of the experience than my words.  Panchita eats a hearty breakfast of bread soaked in coffee…….. questionable if you ask me.


propositioning an introduction.

Phoebum can't even believe it!Too good to be true

a little morning yoga action, getting the muscles movin

Ana Mondoy

Upon returning to Granada, we jumped back into work right away with a 6am interview with Ana Mondoy, the world’s biggest sweetheart. Unfortunately, our prior plans to shadow Don Carlos fell through… however Ana Mondoy is a wonderful alternative.  She runs a pulperia out of her beautiful fusia-colored home, and has used a loan from PHPG to improve both her business and her life. She is a bubbly, talkative, genuine individual with a literal heart of gold (!!!).  Despite the hardships that life has dealt her, Ana Mondoy is one of the most positive individuals I have ever encountered.  It was truly incredible to be able to listen to her stories – she expressed an appreciation for life that moved several of us to tears.

Our plan for the interview with Ana Mondoy is to construct a short video that encapsulates her experiences with People Helping People Global.  It’s currently a work-in-progress.  I’ve attached a short clip that Becca took of Phoebe, Alex, and I saying goodbye after the interview.

Isla de Ometepe

It has been a crazy, fast-paced couple of weeks since I last blogged.  Several of us interns took a weekend trip to La Isla de Ometepe, a crazy-eight shaped island in the middle of Lago de Nicaragua.  It’s known for its gigantic twin volcanoes, Concepcion y Maderas, and it’s natural beauty. We had a really good time, filled with many games of catchphrase and kings cup, a midnight swim, romantic horseback riding on the beach, lazy hammock afternoons, some really awesome jogs (@becca), and lots of (too much) chicken lunches/dinners. All in all, we met some really great people, ate some mediocre food, and fully took advantage of the relaxing pace of life that characterizes Ometepe (and the rest of Nicaragua ?)  

Alex with Concepcion in the background... loving life, obviously

catching the end of the sunrise

@ojodeagua - treading water contest

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I'm famous!

hey it's my very on pulperia

pulperia emma @calleganada

Killin' it & Don Carlos

In my opinion, we are ROCKING it as an intern team.   In the past few weeks, we have finished interviewing all new prospective loan recipients, created a data input template for all of PHPG’s borrowers, and edited & finalized the quality of life forms.  This week, we are now just beginning to administer these evaluations in order to assess not only the individual benefits that accompany these loans, but also to obtain feedback about the way PHPG is received within the community of borrowers.  After just the very first day of interviewing on Monday, we have already received some really positive feedback… something that we are very excited about!

We have quite a bit to look forward to in the upcoming weeks.  On Friday, Phoebe, Becca, Alex, and I have made plans with Don Carlos to shadow his workday… starting at 5:30 am! Carlos is an extremely charismatic dude – he sports a trademark shirtless look daily without fail, loves to chew the fat with all of us interns as we wait for recipients to pay back their loans on Mondays, and is doing really well with remembering all of our names (………..except for margot?! Morgan, Margot, Margot, Morgan – it’s all the same).  He works four different jobs everyday, including collecting and selling firewood, repairing shoes, constructing cement water basins, and ooonnneee more thing that is slipping my mind at the moment.  So this Friday, us gringas will get the opportunity to follow him as he goes about his daily tasks. We are going to be videotaping Carlos throughout the day, asking him questions all the while, in hopes of turning some of the footage into a short video clip that could be featured on PHPG’s website.  I am SUPER excited for Friday… updates on our adventure with Don Carlos to come!

Carlos y Shohta